Putting together the Pedalboard

I have gradually been putting a new pedal board together over the last few months, it has been a slight obsession of mine. I previously posted a picture of the amazing custom pedal board covered in Fender Tweed that I got from Sgt Pepper custom pedal boards. I have also been buying and selling various pedals and researching every aspect of the board. The main hard work involved drilling 25mm wholes in the board to insert grommets into it, these would be used for hiding leads and keeping the board tidy. There was also a lot of soldering involved to connect the Neutrik jacks and kettle leads connected.Β Here some pics of the fun I had with my dad over the weekend putting the board together, I have to admit he did most of the hard work πŸ˜‰12 25mm wholes Putting the board back together Soldering the Netriks jacks

This is the rough layout I had for my board without anything connected
This is the rough layout I had for my board without anything connected

board pepper

Free 30 minute Guitar Lesson at Trevada Music

Free 30 minute Guitar Lesson at Trevada Music

I am now offering a FREE 30 minute guitar lesson for customers at Trevada music that buy from a selected range of electric and acoustic guitars. For information on the guitars involved in this offer contact Trevada music on 01209 714 353. This offer is the perfect opportunity for you to find out how much CGL can benefit you!

Darren πŸ™‚

Free 30 minute Guitar lesson at Trevada music!

Free 30 minute Guitar lesson at Trevada music!

I am now offering a FREE 30 minute trial lesson for anybody who buys a guitar from Trevada music in Camborne. They have a great selection of Squier steel string acoustic guitars with prices starting at Β£50! I have had a play about on these guitars and they are amazing value for money and ideal for anybody looking to buy a good quality guitar without breaking the bank! I am currently teaching from Trevada on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for more information contact the shop or email me at darren@cornwallguitarlessons.co.uk

‘Locked out of heaven’ Verse lesson – Barre chords

Here is a short lesson on the verse section of the Bruno Mars song ‘locked out of heaven’. I have covered this with several students over the past month so this video should be a good reference point. The song is based around Major and minor barre chords and aimed at Beginner/Intermediate players. For a copy of the worksheet at the end of the video email darren@cornwallguitarlessons.co.uk

Happy Playing

“Blues licks mini Lesson #3”

Here is the third instalment of the blues licks mini lessons from CGL. This lick uses shape 1 of the C minor pentatonic, there is a diagram of this scale shape at the end of the video if you are not familiar with it. The lick involves a lot of finger strength to get the pull offs ringing out clearly, so make sure to practise the lick slowly. The TAB is at the end of the video, if you would like a free PDF copy of it email: darren@cornwallguitarlessons.co.uk.

Remember to subscribe to CGL’s youtube channel

Happy playing folks!

New free Blues licks mini lesson

Here is the latest Cornwall Guitar lessons mini lesson. This new blues lick uses Major Pentatonic shape 2 and minor Pentatonic shape 1, its similar to a lot of Chuck Berry’s phrasings. At the end of the video i play lick and adapt the phrasing as well as chuck in a whole bunch of other licks. If you would like a copy of the TAB email me through the site http://www.cornwallguitarlessons.co.uk or at darren@cornwallguitarlessons.co.uk

Good luck with the playing πŸ™‚